Rejuvenate your Mac!

The most common reason people replace computers is that they get too slow. When you get a new computer, the specifications tell you it’s 2, 3, or 4 times as fast as the old computer, but when you actually use it it seems a little faster…hardly twice as...

Find and Delete Viruses and Malware

Computer viruses and malware are unwanted programs that disrupt the operation of your computer, try to get you to reveal personal or financial information about yourself, try to take your computer hostage so that the distributor of the virus can collect a ransom from...

Maintain Your Mac with Cocktail

Cocktail is a Mac maintenance utility that performs many cleanup tasks. It’s easy to use, and we strongly recommend it to every Mac user. It will speed up your Mac, correct fonts that are not displaying properly, files that display the wrong icons, and many...