Rejuvenate your Mac!

The most common reason people replace computers is that they get too slow. When you get a new computer, the specifications tell you it’s 2, 3, or 4 times as fast as the old computer, but when you actually use it it seems a little faster…hardly twice as fast. Why?
MacOS, your programs, and your files are all stored on the hard disk. For your computer to boot up, or a program or document to open, it must first be read from the hard disk into your RAM memory.

Hard disks haven’t changed very much in all the years we’ve been in the computer industry. They work like a record turntable. A motor spins the “platter,” which is the disk on which your data is stored, and another motor moves the “tone arm” back and forth across the surface of the disk to the right spots to read or write the data. (At the tip of the “tone arm,” just like the needle in a record turntable, are the read/write heads that actually read data from the disk or write data to it.)

When hard drives originally became common, computers were much slower than they are today. The hard drives could read data into the RAM memory faster than the RAM memory could accept it…the disks had to throttle back their speed.

Today, with high speed, multi-processor computers, hard disks have become the slowest part of the data chain. The RAM memory and every other component in the computer can receive and process data much faster than any hard drive can shovel it out. So every other component in your computer waits most of the time…for the hard drive.

Enter the solid state drive, or SSD. It does exactly what a hard drive does with no moving parts. It’s made of the same kind of memory used in smart phones, and prices have come so far down that they are competitive with hard drives. SSD’s shovel out data to the RAM memory 50 times faster than a hard drive, which dramatically speeds up everything your computer does.

Does it take you 1 to 2 minutes to boot up your computer? With an SSD, it will boot up in 10-15 seconds! Programs and documents open much faster. Menus pull down much faster. Documents save much faster. And SSDs are compatible with pretty much any Mac from 2009 forward. They will revitalize, speed up, and rejuvenate your Mac…extending its useful life by 3 to 5 years.


As side benefits, SSDs aren’t magnetic like traditional drives…magnets don’t affect them. And they’re also much more shock resistant.
One secret Apple and other computer manufacturers use to make their latest models dramatically faster than their older models to use SSDs instead of hard drives. You can do exactly the same thing…and SSDs are available from Amazon, Best Buy, and many office supply stores, and at this point they’re inexpensive enough to be a very worthwhile upgrade for any Mac that currently has an older style mechanical hard drive.

Call us to help with installation and transferring all your data from the old drive to the SSD.